Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie

Das Oberseminar findet meist donnerstags von 16:30 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr im Raum F142 statt. Wir sind zudem im Oberseminar Zahlentheorie und Arithmetische Geometrie involviert.

Datum Vortragender Titel
4. April (16:30 - 17:30) Jan Lange On zero-cycles of varieties over Laurent fields (Abstract).
11. April (16:30 - 17:30) Niklas Müller (Universität Duisburg-Essen) Minimal projective varieties satisfying 3c_2=c_1^1 (Abstract).
18. April (16:30 - 17:30) Cécile Gachet (HU Berlin) Orbifold fundamental groups of Calabi-Yau surface pairs (Abstract).
25. April (16:30 - 17:30) Anneloes Viergever The A1-Euler characteristic of the symmetric powers of curves and linear varieties (Abstract)
2. Mai (16:30 - 17:30) Simen Moe (Imperial College London, Oslo University) Combinatorial degenerations and stable rationality of hypersurfaces in projective space (Abstract)
16. Mai (16:30 - 17:30) Cesar Hilario (Heinrich-Heini Universität Düsseldorf) Regular but non-smooth curves of genus 3 (Abstract)
30. Mai (16:30 - 17:30, online) Vicente Muñoz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) Finite sets (containing zero) are mapping degree sets (Abstract).
6. Juni (16:30 - 17:30) Simon Brandhorst (Universität des Saarlandes) Ramification of maps between moduli spaces of Enriques surfaces (Abstract).
13. Juni (16:30 - 17:30) Gebhard Martin (Universität Bonn) Enriques surfaces of zero entropy (Abstract)
20. Juni (15:00 - 16:00) Noah Olander (University of Amsterdam) The diagonal dimension of curves (Abstract)
20. Juni (16:45 - 17:45) Sönke Rollenske (Philipps-Universität Marburg) Standard stable Horikawa surfaces (Abstract)
27. Juni (16:30 - 17:30) Erik Nikolov A semi-orthogonal sequence in the derived category of the Hilbert scheme of three points (Abstract)
11. Juli (16:30 - 17:30) Wenfei Liu (Xiamen University) On the Iitaka volumes of log canonical surfaces and threefolds (Abstract)
18. Juli (16:30 - 17:30) Lena Ji (University of Michigan / UIUC) The K-moduli of a family of conic bundles (Abstract)
Oberseminartermine vergangener Semester finden Sie im Archiv.