October 15 (F102) | Giacomo Mezzedimi (Leibniz Universität Hannover) | The Kodaira dimension of some moduli spaces of elliptic K3 surfaces (Abstract) |
October 22 (F102) | Karl Christ (Leibniz Universität Hannover) | The Severi problem for P^2 (Abstract) |
October 29 (Online) | Jakub Witaszek (University of Michigan) | Relative four-dimensional Minimal Model Program in positive characteristic (Abstract) |
November 11 (Online) | John Christian Ottem (University of Oslo) | Enriques surface fibrations of even index (Abstract) |
November 19 (5 pm, Online) | Nicolas Addington (University of Oregon) | A categorical sl_2 action on some moduli spaces of sheaves (Abstract) |
November 26 (Online) | Yota Maeda (Kyoto University) | On the Kodaira dimension of unitary Shimura varieties (Abstract) |
December 17 (Online) | Matthias Zach (Leibniz Universität Hannover) | Euler obstructions and the topology of singularities (Abstract) |
January 14 (Online) | Andrei Negut (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) | On the Beauville-Voisin conjecture for Hilb(K3) |
January 21 (Online) | Timo de Wolff (TU Braunschweig) | Certificates of Nonnegativity and Their Applications (Abstract) |
January 28 (Online) | Domenico Valloni (Leibniz Universität Hannover) | On the Shafarevich conjecture for isogenous K3 surfaces (Abstract) |