The main area of the institute is algebraic and complex geometry. The following topics are key aspects of research.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schreieder
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schreieder
- Rationality Probelms
- Birational Geometry
- Cycles und Chow groups
- Hodge Theory
- Topology of algebraic varieties
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schütt
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schütt
- K3 and Enriques surfaces
- Calabi-Yau varieties
- Modular forms
- Elliptic fibrations
Prof. Dr. Klaus Hulek
Prof. Dr. Klaus Hulek
- Moduli spaces
- Algebraic surfaces (in particular K3 surfaces)
- Abelian varieties
- Irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds (hyperkähler manifolds)
- Cubic hypersurfaces
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ebeling
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ebeling
- Mirror symmetry
- Monodromy
- Singularities
Dr. Andreas Krug
Dr. Andreas Krug
- Derived categories of coherent sheaves
- Hilbert schemes of points
- Calabi-Yau varieties
Dr. Victor González-Alonso
Dr. Victor González-Alonso
- Iregular varieties of general type
- Deformations and Torelli theorems
- Multiplier Ideals of singularities
- Subvarieties of the moduli space of abelian varieties