Sommersemester 2005

07. AprilK. AkerPrincipal bundles on families of del Pezzo surfaces
14. AprilC. Meyer
(Universität Mainz)
Modularity of Calabi-Yau threefolds
28. AprilM. SchüttHecke eigenforms with complex multiplication and rational coefficients
12. MaiC. ErdenbergerThe ramification mean of Siegel modular groups
26. MaiM. LönneFundamental groups of moduli stacks of elliptic surfaces
09. JuniB. Hassett
(Rice University)
Towards a canonical model for the moduli space of curves
16. Juni
H. Verrill
(Lousiana State University)
Congruences for coefficients of noncongruence modular forms
16. Juni
G. Hitching
Moduli of rank 4 symplectic vector bundles over a curve of genus 2
01. Juli
10-12, G123
K. LudwigAction of automorphisms of a curve on the set of theta characteristics
07. JuliR. KloostermanHigher Noether-Lefschetz loci for elliptic surfaces
14. JuliL. Hille
(Universität Hamburg)
Streng exzeptionelle Folgen von Geradenbündeln auf torischen Varietäten