Sommersemester 2019




11. AprilEvgeny Shinder (Sheffield/MPIM Bonn)Variation of stable birational types of hypersurfaces (Abstract)
18. AprilOliver Bräunling (Bonn)

Volume of line bundles via higher rank valuation vectors (Abstract)

2. MaiBernd Schober (Hannover)Loose edges and factorization theorems (Abstract)
9. MaiAndreas Krug (Marburg)

Stability of Tautological Bundles on Symmetric Products of Curves (Abstract)

16. MaiLuigi Lombardi (Milano)Positivity properties of pushforwards of pluricanonical bundles under morphisms to abelian varieties (Abstract)
23. Mai (12.15, a410)Alessando Ghigi (Pavia)Totally geodesic subvarieties generically contained in the Jacobian locus (Abstract)
23. MaiPaola Frediani (Pavia)On the geometry of some special subvarieties contained in the Torelli locus (Abstract)
6. JuniNoriko Yui (Queens University/MPI Bonn)Siegel modularity of certain Calabi-Yau threefolds over $\mathbb Q$ (Abstract)
20. JuniCarsten Liese (Hannover)Cusp models of the DNV family (Abstract)
27. Juni (12:00-13:00, a410)Benjamin Schmidt (UT Austin)Vector bundles and reflexive sheaves with extremal Chern characters (Abstract)
27. JuniEleonore Faber (Leeds)Some matrix factorizations of discriminants of reflection groups (Abstract)
4. JuliAnne Pichon (Université d'Aix-Marseille)Inner geometry of complex surfaces and Laplacian formula (Abstract)
11. JuliGeorg Oberdieck (Bonn)Automorphisms of Hilbert scheme of points of surfaces (Abstract)
18. JuliPatrick Bloß (Hannover)The Infinitesimal Torelli problem for hypersurfaces in simple abelian varieties (Abstract)
19. Juli (11:15, Raum 016, Mensa)Alexandru Constantinescu (FU Berlin)Deformations of toric singularities (Abstract)
15. August* (14:15-15:15)Toshiyuki Katsura (University of Tokyo)Algebraic geometry in positive characteristic (Abstract)
18. September (16:00-17:00, g123)Cecilia Salgado (UFRJ/MPI Bonn)Mordell-Weil rank jumps and the Hilbert property (Abstract)