Sommersemester 2019
Datum | Vortragender | Titel |
11. April | Evgeny Shinder (Sheffield/MPIM Bonn) | Variation of stable birational types of hypersurfaces (Abstract) |
18. April | Oliver Bräunling (Bonn) | Volume of line bundles via higher rank valuation vectors (Abstract) |
2. Mai | Bernd Schober (Hannover) | Loose edges and factorization theorems (Abstract) |
9. Mai | Andreas Krug (Marburg) | Stability of Tautological Bundles on Symmetric Products of Curves (Abstract) |
16. Mai | Luigi Lombardi (Milano) | Positivity properties of pushforwards of pluricanonical bundles under morphisms to abelian varieties (Abstract) |
23. Mai (12.15, a410) | Alessando Ghigi (Pavia) | Totally geodesic subvarieties generically contained in the Jacobian locus (Abstract) |
23. Mai | Paola Frediani (Pavia) | On the geometry of some special subvarieties contained in the Torelli locus (Abstract) |
6. Juni | Noriko Yui (Queens University/MPI Bonn) | Siegel modularity of certain Calabi-Yau threefolds over $\mathbb Q$ (Abstract) |
20. Juni | Carsten Liese (Hannover) | Cusp models of the DNV family (Abstract) |
27. Juni (12:00-13:00, a410) | Benjamin Schmidt (UT Austin) | Vector bundles and reflexive sheaves with extremal Chern characters (Abstract) |
27. Juni | Eleonore Faber (Leeds) | Some matrix factorizations of discriminants of reflection groups (Abstract) |
4. Juli | Anne Pichon (Université d'Aix-Marseille) | Inner geometry of complex surfaces and Laplacian formula (Abstract) |
11. Juli | Georg Oberdieck (Bonn) | Automorphisms of Hilbert scheme of points of surfaces (Abstract) |
18. Juli | Patrick Bloß (Hannover) | The Infinitesimal Torelli problem for hypersurfaces in simple abelian varieties (Abstract) |
19. Juli (11:15, Raum 016, Mensa) | Alexandru Constantinescu (FU Berlin) | Deformations of toric singularities (Abstract) |
15. August* (14:15-15:15) | Toshiyuki Katsura (University of Tokyo) | Algebraic geometry in positive characteristic (Abstract) |
18. September (16:00-17:00, g123) | Cecilia Salgado (UFRJ/MPI Bonn) | Mordell-Weil rank jumps and the Hilbert property (Abstract) |