Wintersemester 2005/2006

13. OktoberA. Nemethi (Budapest)Some open problems regarding normal surface singularities
20. OktoberA. Nemethi (Budapest)Graded roots associated with negative definite integral forms I
27. OktoberA. Nemethi (Budapest)Graded roots associated with negative definite integral forms II
03. NovemberR.-O. Buchweitz (Toronto)Nichtkommutative Desingularisierung der generischen Determinante
10. NovemberS. KadirMirror Symmetry, Motives and Miscellany
17. November
(17:15 Uhr)
X. Gomez-Mont (Guanajuato)Indices of Vector Fields on Singular Hypersurfaces and the Geometry in the Local Algebra
01. DezemberN. Skoruppa (Siegen)Rechnen mit Modulformen
08. DezemberP. Stellari (Milano)Derived categories and moduli spaces of K3 surfaces
15. DezemberG. HitchingTheta divisors of symplectic vector bundles over a curve of genus 2
12. JanuarM. SchwieringVerlinde algebras and higher dimensional Chebyshev polynomials
19. JanuarK. LudwigSingularities of the moduli space of spin curves
26. JanuarG. HitchingQuartic equations and 2-division on elliptic curves
02. FebruarO. Tommasi (Mainz)Cohomology of the moduli space of genus 4 curves
09. FebruarV. Batyrev (Tübingen)Deformationen von Calabi-Yau-Hyperflächen mit Conifold-Singularitäten