A colloquium in memory of Wolfgang Ebeling will be held at Leibniz University Hannover on 25th April 2025. The programme will start at 2 pm and all lectures will take place in room A 310 in the main building of the university. A dinner will be held in the evening.
- Gert-Martin Greuel (TU Kaiserslautern)
- Michael Lönne (Universität Bayreuth)
- Eduard Looijenga (Universiteit Utrecht / University of Chicago)
Organizers: Klaus Hulek, Stefan Schreieder, Matthias Schütt.
Time | Speaker | Title |
14:00 | Opening | |
14.15 – 14.45 | Gert-Martin Greuel | Erinnerungen an Wolfgang Ebeling, sein Leben und sein Werk |
15.00 – 16.00 | Michael Lönne | Discriminants of plane curve singularities and their complements |
16.00 – 16.45 | Kaffeepause | |
16.45 – 17.45 | Eduard Looijenga | The Nielsen-Thurston program for a class of 4-manifolds |
18.30 | Dinner |
Discriminants of plane curve singularities and their complements (Lönne)
The discriminant of simple plane curve singularities and the fundamental group of its complement are well understood. I will report on extensions to results and conjectures in the case of plane curve singularities of multiplicity three and in general.
The Nielsen-Thurston program for a class of 4-manifolds (Looijenga)
In the 1970s Thurston showed how to best represent a mapping class of a closed surface by a diffeomorphism. After a (rather brief) review of this, I will report on joint work with Benson Farb which addresses this question for a particular class of simply connected 4-manifolds, namely the ones that admit an elliptic fibration relative to some complex structure.
Registration/Social Dinner
Please write to sekretariat-c@math.uni-hannover.de in order to register for the event and/or for dinner. Due to the contract with the restaurant we must ask for a binding reservation. Unfortunately, the costs of the dinner cannot be covered by the organizers.
The lectures will take place in Building 1101 (Welfenschloß), the main building of Leibniz University. The closest tram station is Leibniz Universität.

30167 Hannover